

2007 - 2004
Unfree Thinker
Hu Jintao Bad for intellectuals, good for peasants
William Hinton Friend of Communism a thorn in Beijing's side
2003 - 2002
My Way and the Highway China's most controversial author talks about his rise to literary stardom and his love for fast cars
Walking on the Wild Side Founder of pioneering ecotour company WildChina, Zhang Mei combines an entrepreneur's brain with a conservationist's heart
Wen Jiabao The People's Technocrat; As China's legislature anoints the next generation of leaders, the country's new economic czar may be the one who will finally begin to bridge the gap between rich and poor
Zeng Qinghong The consummate insider may be ready to step out front
Lulu Zhang Enjoying a life her parents would never have dreamed possible
1999 - 1997
Deng's Winners and Losers How the economic reforms changed the lives of four ordinary folks

Man in the Middle How domestic issues have hurt Zhu Rongji
Dam Buster The Three Gorges project stirs a writer into action
Qiao Shi Old man's sad wave tells the nation of change